KMFDM Brings their Let Go Tour to Irving Plaza , NYC

On a Rain stormy March 9th, 2024. The faithful lined up down the street and around the block of Irving Plaza, Buzzing with energy to witness the industrial legends KMFDM live in concert.

The iconic venue pulsated with a mix of anticipation and nostalgia as the band took the stage, unleashing their signature blend of heavy guitar riffs, pounding beats, and politically charged lyrics. As the crowd immersed themselves in the relentless sonic assault, KMFDM delivered a performance that was nothing short of electrifying. With a setlist spanning their extensive discography, including classics and hits from their newest album Let Go.

The audience was taken on a journey through the band's evolution while reveling in the raw, unapologetic power of their music. The night at Irving Plaza was a testament to KMFDM's enduring influence and their ability to captivate audiences with their uncompromising sound.

For more tour dates and info:

Morlocks took the stage at Irving Plaza in New York City with Mean World Syndrome and announcing “Live from New York it’s Saturday night” ! Something J.Strauss said he always wanted to say. Captivating the audience with their unique blend of industrial vibes and enthusiasm.

It was their first time in NYC and the venue buzzed with their energy. As the band delivered a mesmerizing performance, drawing fans into their sound. Each song resonated through the crowd, creating an electric atmosphere that lingered long after the last note faded away.

Morlocks' music echoed off the walls of Irving Plaza, leaving a lasting impression on all who were fortunate enough to be in attendance that night.

For more info: